Practical and Theoretical Manual
for the Manufacture of
Resin-Bonded, Metal-Bonded,
Vitrified-Bonded Diamond Tool

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      1) Practical and Theoretical Manual for the Manufacture of
      Resin-Bonded, Metal-Bonded, Vitrified-Bonded Diamond Tool

1.          Diamond

1.1        Natural and synthetic diamond, Cubic Boron Nitride

1.1.1      Natural diamond

1.1.2      Synthetic diamond    Friability index

1.1.3      Grit size

1.1.4      Concentration

1.2         Polycrystalline

1.3         Diamondlike Thin Film

2.           CBN Cubic Boron Nitride

3.           Bonds - General

3.1         Resin bonds

3.2         Sintered metal bonds

3.3         Electroplated metal bonds

3.4         Ceramic - vitrified bonds

4.           Diamond tools

4.1         Tools with organic resin binders

4.1.1       General

4.1.2       Thermal cycles

4.1.3       The tools

4.1.4       Coolants

4.1.5        Specifications

4.1.6        Composition

4.1.7        Resins

4.2           Formulations

4.2.1        Calculation of th e ring shaped

4.2.2        Construction of the wheel body

4.3           Machinery and equipment

4.3.1         Moulds

4.4            Procedures (Part I)

4.4.1          Procedures (Part II)

5.              Grinding of cemented carbides with synthetic diamonds

5.1            Economic assessment of the grinding of cemented carbides

5.2            Machinability of cemented carbides

5.3            Tables and graphs. Consideration on the grinding of cemented

                 carbides with synthetic diamonds

6.              General notes on the characteristics and production method of metal

                 bond coated diamond tools

7.              Nickel plating

8.              Introduction to material science and technology

                The structure of atoms, Tables

9.             Preliminary and general consideration on the abrasive grain bond

                ratio and crystal shape. The most common bond. Abrasives, CBN

9.1            About ceramics: bonds, control parameters

9.1.2         The heat cycle, firing, pre-heating (oven-drying), drying, the

                 temperature, coni seger, structure, density

9.2            The manufacture of vitrified bonded grinding wheels

9.2.1         The ternary diagram

9.3            Specific application of the triangle in the field of vitrified CBN wheels

9.3.1          The flow of production, choise of specification, the specification,       

                  the mould

9.4             Bond preparation, meltable bonds with heavy metals, preparation of

                  the mixture, moulding, ceramic baking, example of the production of

                  a traditional cylindrical grinding wheel with through hole.